A Race Against Time
Help Save the Race Car Puppies from Parvo
Upon hearing about the plight of five desperately ill pug puppies, we knew we had to act swiftly. We took immediate action to get them to the vet, where the devastating diagnosis was confirmed – all five puppies had contracted Parvo. These innocent puppies, just 12 weeks old, are now in a race against time to overcome this merciless disease.
Pug Rescue of Austin is dedicated to providing a safe, caring, and humane refuge for abandoned, neglected and unwanted pugs, ensuring they find loving forever homes. However, the demand for our foster care services has reached unprecedented levels, stretching our resources to the limit.
Despite these challenges, we remain unwavering in our commitment to the Race Car puppies, providing them with 24/7 care and doing everything possible to save their lives. However, the treatment for Parvo is not only emotionally draining but also financially demanding.
We urgently need to replenish our emergency fund to cover the extensive medical expenses for the Race Car puppies and future pugs in need.
Meet the Race Car puppies and please wish them a safe and speedy recovery:
Lamborghini*, Ferrari, Maserati, DeLorean*, and McLaren*
Update on the Puppies' Brave Fight for Survival
Crossing the Finish Line
It is with a very heavy heart that we share that we have now lost Maserati as well.
Miraculously, Ferrari has shown remarkable progress by eating on her own and is ready to be discharged from the hospital. However, her platelet count remains low, and our veterinary team is uncertain what could be causing this. The puppies may all have had some other underlying condition.
Each day with Ferrari will be a precious gift, and we will closely monitor her progress.
While Ferrari will soon transition to a foster home, please note that she is not available for adoption at this time.
As we mourn the loss of Lamborghini, Maserati, DeLorean, and McLaren, and navigate the uncertain journey with Ferrari, we express our gratitude for your support throughout this challenging ordeal.
Your generosity and compassion have made a significant impact on the lives of these puppies and and the pugs we will continue rescuing thanks to your support.

A Mix of Hope and Heartbreak in The Race for Survival
Today brings both hopeful and heart-wrenching news for the puppies.
In a positive turn, Ferrari showed promise by eating on her own, and her white blood cell count has increased slightly. Maserati has also shown improvement, displaying more movement and engagement.
Regrettably, Lamborghini's condition took a grave turn. Despite our efforts, his white blood cell count did not rebound, and he experienced a significant regurgitation episode, putting him at a higher risk of pneumonia. His body temperature dropped drastically, necessitating the use of heat support. Sadly, this afternoon Lamborghini peacefully laid down and passed away.
In this bittersweet moment, we hold onto the hope that Ferrari and Maserati will continue to show resilience and strength. Our commitment to their well-being remains unwavering as we provide them with the utmost care and support during this challenging time.
Your ongoing support is vital as we navigate these ups and downs. With your generosity and compassion, we can make a difference for these vulnerable puppies and honor the memory of Lamborghini.
Heartbreaking Update on the Puppies
This morning, we received a positive report on the puppies as they continued to hold their own, despite persistent nausea. Anti-nausea medication was administered, and all had their nasogastric feeding tubes in place. However, this afternoon brought devastating news.
Tragically, McLaren and DeLorean, who had shown strength and resilience, suddenly deteriorated. McLaren's condition worsened, with dangerously low blood sugar levels. Despite efforts to stabilize her, her health did not improve. Similarly, DeLorean began experiencing severe breathing difficulties and swiftly declined. It is with heavy hearts that we share the devastating loss of both of these precious souls. Our grief is profound, and we wish we had better news to share.
Amidst this sorrow, we find solace in knowing that the remaining puppies are still fighting with unwavering determination. They continue to cling to hope, and we remain dedicated to providing them with the utmost care and support during this critical time.
Your support and compassion are now more important than ever. As we mourn the loss of McLaren and DeLorean, we ask for your continued generosity and love to help us save the remaining puppies and honor the memory of those we have lost. Together, we can provide them with the strength and resources they need to keep fighting against this devastating illness.
Gaining ground on the track to recovery
We are thrilled to share some uplifting news about the Race Car puppies' progress. All the puppies have been successfully weaned off oxygen and are now breathing adequately on their own. While challenges persist, their resilience shines through.
Although the puppies continue to struggle with excess stomach acid, resulting in regurgitation upon stomach contact and reluctance to eat, there have been positive developments. Lamborghini and Maserati have received feeding tubes, which they are tolerating well. Ferrari and DeLorean, now off oxygen support, are expected to undergo feeding tube placement today.
For McLaren, a significant breakthrough occurred when her feeding tube was relocated from nasoesophageal to the stomach. This adjustment alleviated her discomfort, as 165 ml of stomach acid was successfully removed. McLaren is now much more comfortable, taking a significant step towards recovery.
Notably, DeLorean's spirits are lifting, with signs of playfulness beginning to emerge. These resilient puppies are fighters, demonstrating increased engagement and a tenacious spirit that continues to inspire us.
The road to full recovery remains ahead, but with every positive stride, we are filled with hope. Your support has been instrumental in their progress, and we encourage you to keep sharing their story, offering donations, and spreading awareness. Together, we can provide these brave puppies with the care, love, and support they need to overcome their challenges and embrace a brighter future.
Day 3 Update
These resilient puppies are still receiving round-the-clock care at the hospital, and we anticipate that they will need to remain there for at least another two days. The total bill to save their lives has increased to an overwhelming $23,000, reflecting the extensive medical attention required to combat this vicious disease.
Despite the uphill battle, the Race Car puppies are showing remarkable strength. Although all are still in critical condition, we are witnessing improvements, and they have achieved stability. This is a testament to their unwavering determination to fight and survive.
Sadly, all the puppies except McLaren have needed oxygen support, making McLaren the first to receive a feeding tube. Today, we plan to wean Maserati and Lamborghini off oxygen and, if successful, they will also receive feeding tubes. While Ferrari and DeLorean are not yet strong enough to be weaned off oxygen, there is great excitement in seeing Ferrari, who was initially the most critical, show signs of progress.
Overall, the puppies' breathing has improved, though Ferrari and DeLorean still have a way to go. They are battling the effects of nausea, feeling unwell, and having compromised immune systems due to this dreadful virus. However, these resilient little souls continue to fight with all their might. We are closely monitoring their white blood cell count, eagerly awaiting signs of a rebound and the return of their immune defenses.
In spite of their challenging circumstances, there are small glimpses of joy. The puppies are starting to wag their tails ever so slightly when approached, a heartwarming reminder of their resilient spirits. Their journey to recovery is far from over, but their courage and determination shine through.
Day 2 Update
The Race Car puppies continue to show incredible resilience in their battle against Parvo. While progress has been made, we face ongoing challenges.
All but one of the puppies, Ferrari, have achieved normal body temperature, a small victory in this fight. However, DeLorean and Ferrari are experiencing breathing distress and have developed aspiration pneumonia, requiring oxygen support.
Ferrari, the most critical, faces a 25% survival prognosis, while the others remain in a guarded condition. None of the puppies are eating on their own, and feeding tubes will be placed.
We are grateful for your support thus far. Please continue to rally around these brave puppies as we provide them with the specialized care they need to overcome this devastating disease.
The Race Car puppies are fighting for their lives, and we cannot let them down. Your donation will provide the necessary medical care and support they desperately need to overcome Parvo.
The Threat of Parvo
Parvo is a highly contagious and often fatal disease that affects puppies, like the Race Car litter, who have not yet received proper vaccinations. It attacks the gastrointestinal tract, causing severe vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and a compromised immune system. Without immediate medical intervention, puppies afflicted with Parvo face a grim fate. However, this tragic outcome can be prevented through timely vaccinations.
We implore you to open your hearts and contribute to our fundraising campaign. Your donation will directly impact the lives of these innocent puppies, providing them with the critical care they need to fight Parvo and make a full recovery. By supporting us, you become a vital part of their journey towards finding forever homes filled with love and compassion.
In addition to your donation, we ask for your help in spreading the word. Share this story with your friends, family, and colleagues. Encourage them to donate and share as well, amplifying our collective efforts to save these precious lives. Together, we can make a lasting difference and ensure that the Race Car puppies and countless other pugs receive the care and love they deserve.